What’s new in Django 3.2.6

Gustav Willig
Aug 22, 2021

Django 3.2.6 was just a small patch there no big changes just some bug fixes.

Djangos Roadmap (Source: https://static.djangoproject.com/img/release-roadmap.3c7ece4f31b3.png )


  • Fixed a regression in Django 3.2 that caused a crash validating "NaN" input with a forms.DecimalField when additional constraints, e.g. max_value, were specified (#32949).
  • Fixed a bug in Django 3.2 where a system check would crash on a model with a reverse many-to-many relation inherited from a parent class (#32947).

The release of Django 3.2.7 is expected September 1, 2021.

But stay tuned for the release of Django 4.0 in December 2021.



Gustav Willig

An AI Full-Stack Developer with a passion for using data to drive business decisions. Get your latest news about Django and AI trends by subscribing